Sunday, 6 February 2011

Paul Carr

The Fifth Runway poster (2nd broadcast) - 2010

The Soul Bellows CD publication - 2008

GB STEAM TRAINS LIVE at the Bull's Head poster - 2007

GB STEAM TRAINS 'For Sale' Promo CD publication - 2007
Paul Carr (pictured centrefold right) and Steven Lowery (pictured centrefold left) are GB STEAM TRAINS. Pictured with the GB STEAM TRAINS; Bruce McLean.

The Carr Radio 2009 box set CDs - 2009
by The Carr Radio Executive Design Team; Jenna Collins, Eddie Farrell, Katharine Eastman, Chris Scobie, Paul Carr and Steven Lowery.

The Barnes Bun Architecture Biennale 'Running Order' - 2005
Paul Carr (pictured left) and Patrick Loan (pictured right) are the Ketchup Boys. The BBAB was initiated and coordinated by The KB, Bruce McLean, and Jim Moyes.